Thanks for taking the time to get to know me! My name is Brenda and I am a Geneva-based EREPS (European Register of Exercise Professionals) accredited Personal Trainer specialising in core and pelvic floor health for the pregnant and postpartum community.
My Story
I have a passion for Muay Thai which I have been practicing since 2009. After the birth of my son in 2018, I was unaware that I was suffering from postpartum depression and anxiety. It took almost three years to feel like my head was just breaking above water to breathe. After a lot (and I mean a lot) of personal work, I was finally able to take the steps needed to get better. I went back to what brought me calm, joy and most importantly, what made me feel strong. I went back to Muay Thai.
Unfortunately after a few weeks in, I realised that I was experiencing a huge disconnect, lack of power and control between my core and the rest of my body during training. The lack of clear information and difficulty finding the right resources needed to support my recovery during Muay Thai training was confusing and frustrating. We already have a lot to navigate, learn and adapt to as mothers. Navigating how best to support our core and pelvic floor health on our own in order to resume our favourite activity shouldn't be a part of it, neither should we accept it as part of 'pregnancy and postpartum' life. How is it that coaching guidelines for the pregnant and postpartum population in the health and fitness industry is still so vague? 'Don't do too much' or 'listen to your body' is not enough feedback. This needs to change, there needs to be more. We deserve a lot more than what is currently offered and this is why I created Bloom Health. More for us.
I have so much planned for Bloom Health and I truly hope to see you all along for the ride.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.